
Lorraine is our resident holistic therapist and started working with Flik as her shop manager in her previous business. Her meticulous efficiency and passion to always give her best shone through and Flik could see her potential to grow as a therapeutic professional. Because of this and her existing Reiki practitioner qualification (we will get her up to Reiki Master and teaching soon enough!), when the universe decided to give Lorraine a change of circumstances, Flik encouraged her to follow her dream of becoming qualified in a broad spectrum of therapeutic arts including; crystal healing, massage and aromatherapy.

She continues to seek out training in varied therapeutic practices so that she can offer her clients the very best in supporting treatments and indulgent self care. She also gives intuitive psychic readings. When she isn’t busy giving her amazing treatments she’s a very family orientated mum and gran. You can also find her down at the speedway track of a Thursday night hollering to her heart’s content, supportively of course!